Jackie Roethel's blog

Evolution Architecture Rents the Trident Deck!

Each year Evolution Architecture eagerly awaits our annual events hosted at T-Mobile Park during the summer. While we weren't able to get back to the ballpark for everything, we were able to do 1 game this year with some wonderful people in the newly created Trident Deck!

The Deck features a 180 degree view of Puget Sound, Downtown Seattle and the ballpark, up above behind right field.

New Hats have Arrived!

Twice a year we design and create our signature custom Trucker Hats to share with our industry friends, clients and colleagues and this year we've landed these 4 new colors!

Pink - Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Kraken 2.0
Black Out
White Out

These have always been an exciting team culture aspect for our employees, but we've thoroughly enjoyed sharing them with those we work with!

2nd Annual Evolution Architecture Invitational in the Books!

We want to thank those that were able to join Evolution Architecture last week at Glen Acres!

Closing out the week in the best of ways, EvoArch had their 2nd Annual Invitational and hosted 52 golfers in the PNW sunshine. We want to Congratulate our Invitational Winners:

First Place:
- Johnnie Brister, BluSky
- Todd Smith, BluSKy
- Hunter Herrin, Wright Runstad
- Dirk Curtis, Seattle Maintenance Services
